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NAHSL 2016 CPC: Conference chair

Suggestions from "Planning Awesome CHapter Meetings" session at MLA 2014

  • Have a dinner meeting with a speaker.
  • Combine NAHSL conference with other chapters. Prior to the MLA meeting, Rich was approached by the Mid-Atlantic Chapter to have a combined conference with them. Similar to the Quint Chapter Meeting:
  • Have a “lunch with vendors,” where each vendor presents their product during a lunch at the chapter meeting. [NAHSL does vendor lightning rounds at breakfast]
  • Assign a vendor to a table during lunch
  • Green meetings – no paper! Bring own tote bag. They had a contest for who had the best or oldest tote bag from a prior conference. Also no printed program, went with digital advertisements.
  • Virtual meeting format; unconferences [NAHSL members not in favor]
  • Alaska chapter had no registration table
  • Important to schedule time between sessions.
  • Discussion about difficulty dealing with food issues, especially food allergies
  • Some chapters get meeting insurance costs about $600
  • 2 meetings located at university – UC San Diego and Univ Texas
  • CE was embedded in the conference, speaker does a workshop style presentation and all conference attendees get CEs for it
  • Offer tracks for academic librarians, hospital librarians, etc.
    • Use icons in the conference program to indicate specific track

 “To do” – follow-up from discussion

  • Create a wiki where we can post things, such as samples of contracts with conference hotels, etc.

Lessons learned

  • Donna Wikstrand of Conference Hotels Unlimited is available for help and advice. She is paid by the hotel, not by NAHSL, so use her services whenever needed. Call her on Day 1 and introduce yourself. She can advise on choice of location for conference, among many other things. Ask previous conference chair for her contact information.
  • Hotel contract is generally negotiated by conference chair and Donna Wikstrand, about two years out for a full-length conference. Conference chair signs it on behalf of NAHSL
  • Conference should emphasize practical content that members can apply in their own libraries. This helps members justify attendance.
  • Check with CE Chair before determining room nights in hotel contract. The number and timing of classes will affect hotel numbers on Saturday night.
  • Some hotel chains will discount for repeat business at different locations. The Omni is one, as all hotels are owned by the corporation. Those hotels owned on a franchise basis are less likely to discount for different locations, although they are likely to do so for same location.
  • When planning full conference, hold planning meetings every other month for first year, as you make the big decisions about location, theme, plenary speakers. Then, every month thereafter, when the focus turns to details and coordination among committees. You may be able to have some meetings by conference call.
  • Handoff Luncheon is important. Outgoing CPC discusses their work, focusing on lessons learned. Next CPC takes copious notes. Invite the newly-appointed chair of following conference and a representative from Education Committee.
  • NAHSL EB surveyed members about preferences for conference in 2014-2015. Members are not in favor of virtual meetings.
  • Having a joint conference with neighboring chapters is less likely than in the past. The NY/NJ chapter, with whom we have partnered, is considering merging with the Philadelphia chapter. Members of UNYOC who live in western NY are not in favor of the long trip they would have to come to New England. Of course, having a joint meeting on the other chapter's turf is a possibility, but we would lose attendance from NAHSL. 
  • We have been invited to join large multi-chapter meetings in the past. The feeling of NAHSL members was summed up by one who said if you have to get on a plane, it's no longer a chapter meeting.
  • Members have asked for more face-to-face time, as opposed to "shoulder-to-shoulder." When workable, consider having round tables (half-round set-up) for most of the conference.


  • Recruits interested and able colleagues to the CPC
  • Represents the CPC to the NAHSL Executive Board
  • Works with NAHSL's professional conference planner
  • SIgns hotel contract on behalf of NAHSL
  • Coordinates all activities of CPC and resolves problems
  • Arranges and chairs meetings of CPC
  • Works with NAHSL Treasurer and conducts all conference activities in a budget-conscious manner
  • Develops a budget for the conference
  • Ensures a smoothly operating conference.