The MAHSLIN Professional Development Fund seeks to:
Criterion 1 - MAHSLIN Membership
Applicant must be a current member of MAHSLIN (membership will be verified by Membership Chair). MAHSLIN dues must be paid before applying for this membership benefit.
Criterion 2 - Eligibility for Awards
Professional development funds are available for educational courses or programs. Funds are available to cover any expenses associated with the educational program including, but not limited to, conference registration fees, hotel expenses or transportation costs.
Criterion 3 - Dollar Amount
The maximum yearly dollar amount per MAHSLIN member is $500. The award will not exceed the actual expense associated with the program/meeting/course and will never cover staff time. Example: If an awardee requests funding to cover their travel costs and those expenses are either greater or less than the maximum award for that activity, the award will not exceed the actual expense or maximum amount available.
Criterion 4 – Deadline for Application
Call for applications will be issued twice a year. The Education Chair must receive application at least 4 weeks before the deadline for conference/course registration.
Criterion 5 - Limits
Award applications will be considered and weighted for factors such as levels of institutional support; amount of recently received MAHSLIN awards; statement of purpose for award use; and number of applicants per institution.
Criterion 6 - Dissemination
Awardees are required to write a summary of the conference/course on MAHSLIN’s blog within 2 months of completion. Blog activities should be emailed to the Publicity Chair for posting.
Criterion 7 – Reimbursement
Within a month of the grant award activity, a MAHSLIN Expense Report form with appropriate documentation must be submitted to the Education Chair, who will then forward it to the Treasurer for payment. All documentation and expense reports must be completed by December 1 of the calendar year for which the grant was awarded. Any delay will result in reimbursement rejection.