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NAHSL: Professional Development

Professional Development



NAHSL Professional Development funds seek to:

  • Assist award recipients to increase professional knowledge and skills, ultimately improving their patrons' access to health information
  • Encourage professional knowledge sharing amongst colleagues across the region
  • Support and encourage professional development opportunities
  • Promote the profession of health sciences librarianship


General Guidelines & Eligibility

  • Applicants must be current member of NAHSL (joined or renewed no later than March 15 of the current year)
  • Applicants may receive more than one award per calendar year as long as the total does not exceed $1,000
  • Scholarship applications must be received at least 4 weeks before registration deadlines
  • Awardees are required to write a summary of the meeting/class which will be posted to the NAHSL blog
  • Award applications will be considered and weighted for factors such as: available funding; total number of applicants; levels of institutional support; amount of recently received NAHSL awards; professional involvement on the local, state, regional, or national level; statement of purpose for award use; number of applicants per institution; and geographical distribution of applications across the NAHSL region.