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NAHSL: About Us

About Us

The North Atlantic Health Sciences Libraries, Inc. (NAHSL) was established in 1958 as a regional group representing Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. It became an official chapter of the Medical Library Association in 1981.

NAHSL is an organization of professional librarians and individuals interested in health sciences libraries.

As a member you'll have access to educational and professional growth opportunities and a lively forum for networking!

From the Chair

Welcome to NAHSL!

We welcome anyone who has an interest in health science libraries and health information services. We are librarians, knowledge managers, students, and other types of information professionals from hospitals, medical centers, health care systems, colleges, universities, public libraries, companies, and more, mostly in the New England states.

Our organization provides a platform for our members to communicate and share knowledge, skills and ideas, and for continuing education, networking, advocacy, collaboration, and recognition of accomplishments. We host an annual conference as well as classes, events and programs throughout the year. We are dedicated to excellence in health information services to support research and evidence-based practice in health care and policy, and well-informed consumers of health care services.

This site is your gateway to current information about our programming, resources, and tools, as well as our rich history.

On behalf of the NAHSL Executive Board, I welcome your feedback and comments, and encourage active involvement with this dynamic organization.

Melissa Funaro
2024-2025 NAHSL Chair