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NAHSL 2023 Conference: Schedule

The schedule below is subject to change. All times are in Eastern Time.

Thursday, November 9: NNLM Region 7 Update



NNLM Region 7 Update

Recording available soon

Monday, November 13: Kick-Off Events




10am-11am: NAHSL Business Meeting




1pm-2pm: MLA Update with

President Amy Blevins


Wednesday, November 15: Live Conference Day

Schedule Event
8:30 AM Tech Check & How To Use the Platform
8:45 AM Welcome & Announcements
9:00 AM

Keynote: Nick Shockey

Sponsored by Tufts Hirsh Health Sciences Library

10:30 AM Break
11:00 AM

Panel: "The State of Open"

Sponsored by Elsevier

12:00 PM Lunch
12:30 PM Social Breakout Rooms
1:00 PM

Paper Session #1

Sponsored by Maine Health

2:00 PM Exhibitor Lightning Talks
3:00 PM

Paper Session #2

Sponsored by Matthews Medical Books

4:00 PM Concluding Remarks