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NAHSL 2023 Conference: Panel Discussion

Panel: The State of Open

November 15, 11:00am-12:00pm

Sally Gore


Sally Gore, MS, MS LIS, is the manager of Research and Scholarly Communication Services for the Lamar Soutter Library, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. In this role, she oversees the library’s collaborative efforts with basic science and clinical researchers on campus, including expanding support and instruction in data services. Her department leads all scholarly communication endeavors for the library, including providing bibliometric analysis, tracking research impact, assisting researchers meet funder-based public access and data sharing compliance, promoting open science initiatives, and managing eScholarship@UMassChan, the University's institutional repository. Sally also serves as the Associate Editor of the Journal of eScience Librarianship. Sally has been an active member of NAHSL since 2005, serving as Chair from 2012-2013.






Nicole Contaxis

Nicole Contaxis is a member of the Data Services Team, and is the Lead of the NYU Data Catalog. Nicole leads the NYU Data Catalog Project and is interested in data infrastructure, data ethics, and data curation practices. She received her MLIS from UCLA and an MA in Bioethics from NYU.








Melissa Rethlefsen


Melissa is Executive Director and Professor at the Health Sciences Library & Informatics Center at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is a long-time advocate for transparency, rigor, reproducibility, and open science. Her research centers on systematic review search transparency and reproducibility, as well as the role of the librarian in improving systematic review quality. She led the development of the PRISMA-S reporting guideline to improve search reporting. She is also an advisor for CABI's searchRxiv tool, the first repository designed for search strategies. Her most recent research focuses on the reproducibility of search strategies in biomedical systematic reviews. She has adopted open science for her own work, including registering her studies, publishing preprints, and sharing her data.