Breakout Sessions:
Monday, October 29, 2012
1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
& 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Laura Cousineau
Director, Biomedical Libraries
Dartmouth College
Educational and Clinical Use of iPads: Exploring the Library's Role
iPads are popping up everywhere! They are in the classrooms, in the hospitals and clinics, and in our libraries. Our students have them, our residents have them, our faculty are beginning to have them, and of course, many of us have them as well. What is the library's role in supporting these devises? How do we make sure our content is accessed with them? Are we a part of the process for recommending and purchasing additional content? Can they be used to facilitate point-of-care access to clinical resources?This will be an interacitve session, where we explore together how our patrons are using them now and how libraries are supporting them, and brainstorm together on the opportunities and challenges they present.
1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
& 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Donna Kafel
Project Coordinator
Lama Soutter Library
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Library Engagement in e-Science: What's it all about?
This breakout session will define what is meant by the term e-Science and describe how current research methodologies have resulted in a huge data deluge. The value of data in promoting scientific discovery will be discussed, along with new challenges involved in managing data sets and assisting in networked research endeavors. Potential opportunities for librarians in e-Science will require that librarians actively engage with their research communities and a retooling of library workflows. We will look at potential library roles in e-Science and discuss the competencies/knowledge and credentials that librarians need to be able to effectively take on these new roles. Finally, an overview of e-Science professional development opportunities will be presented.
1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
& 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Elizabeth Kirk
Associate Librarian for Information Resources
Dartmouth College Library
Copyright, Fair Use, and the Networked World
How do we as librarians address issues of copyright law in a world of mash-ups, Pinterest, downloads, and an always-on always-sharing network culture? How do we push back on challenges to fair use? And what is fair use in a license-controlled information environment? Come for a discussion of the latest challenges to the delicate balance of copyright and shifting directions toward open access and open data.
1:15 PM to 2:15 PM
& 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Elizabeth R. Stanton, Esq., PA
Director, Regional Risk Management
New England Alliance for Health and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Emerging Issues for Healthcare Providers, Librarians and Staff in the Age of Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, Google+ and the Blogosphere
Is freedom of speech absolute? What exactly are our rights under the First Amendment? May employers control what we say at home on our private computers? May employees criticize employers on Facebook? Exactly how much should healthcare professionals be sharing on Facebook?