Continuing Education Courses:
Sunday, October 28, 2012
9:00 AM to Noon
Elaine Alligood, MLS
Diagnostic Error: The Librarian’s Role
Description: This course introduces members to the diagnostic error concepts & processes required to: understand context & definitions of diagnostic errors, explore improvement opportunities to affect decision making, use case analysis & small groups to recognize failure points, identify opportunities for librarians to affect the diagnostic process, and apply these to professional practice. It prepares attendees to start planning strategies and projects to team librarians with clinical staff to tackle diagnostic error. The workshop will: 1. Set the stage—scope, roles, issues and challenges including the research underlying these concepts. 2. Present an Informationist/Clinical Librarian tool set. 3. Identify targets, goals, and strategies to raise awareness and develop a collaborative team approach. Discussion and exercises will demonstrate biases interfering with clinical decision making: confirmation bias, overconfidence, and information gaps. This course was evaluated at MLA '11 and scored an overall course grade of 3.30 on a 4.0 scale. The mean score for all evaluated courses taught at MLA ’11 was 3.63 on a 4.0 scale.
Biography: Elaine Alligood has worked at the National Library of Medicine, NCI, Johns Hopkins, the University of Virginia, Elsevier, Harvard, and the VA. Currently, Elaine is the Informationista & Chief of the Boston VA Knowledge, Information & Library Service. Previously she was the informationist for the VA Technology Assessment Program that researched and wrote systematic reviews and comparative effectiveness reports on current or emerging health care technologies. Elaine is past president of MaHSLIN, and past chair of the Information Resources Group, in the Health Technology Assessment International society (HTAi). In October ‘09, she presented with Lorri Zipperer, Linda Williams, and Barb Jones at the 2nd Diagnostic Error in Medicine Conference on the role librarians play in the prevention and assessment of diagnostic errors. This MLA CE course grew out of her participation in this conference.
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Michelle Eberle, MLS, AHIP
RML Proposal Writing
Description: This class, designed for beginning proposal writers, will teach you how to apply for funding opportunities. Each component of the proposal writing process will be addressed, including: documenting the need, identifying the target population; writing measurable objectives; developing a work plan; an evaluation plan and dissemination plan. We will explore examples of successful proposals for NN/LM NER funding. Use this class as the opportunity to draft an outline for your own project.
Biography: Michelle Eberle, MS LIS, AHIP, is the Consumer Health Information Coordinator for the NN/LM New England Region. For the past nine years, she served as a reviewer and consultant for NN/LM NER funded projects. She collaborated with NER staff to plan and write the NN/LM NER’s proposals for the 2006-2011 and 2011-2016 contracts. Michelle plays an integral role in NER’s Focused Outreach and facilitates the Communities of Interests for Health Literacy and Healthy Communities. She enjoys presenting on a variety of topics including proposal writing, NLM resources, and health literacy.
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Karen Matta Oshima, MSW, LICSW
Concepts in Psychiatry
Description: This 4-hour course will present a general overview of the basic concepts in the field of psychiatry. By participating in this class, you will learn about proposed changes to the DSM, the history and major theories in the field of psychiatry, the top three mental health conditions, screening tools used in diagnosis, the most important therapies and drug classes used in psychiatry, and more.
After completion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
Biography: Karen Matta Oshima, MSW, LICSW, is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Social Work at Washington University in Saint Louis, MO, expecting to complete her doctoral studies by December, 2012. She has 10 years of experience in juvenile delinquency and sexual violence and trauma, and has diverse experience in treating both perpetrators and victims of sexual violence. Karen’s teaching experience includes developing and teaching a course titled Evidence-Based Theories for Practice with Children, Youth & Families. Her work has been published in several scholarly journals, and she is a peer reviewer for the Clinical Social Work Journal.
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Russell Palmer, MLIS
The Not-So-Accidental Trainer
Description: Many people who train others have never received any formal training or instruction on how to do so. These well-intentioned trainers, flying blind, do their best to put together training sessions, relying solely on instinct and their own past experiences as students to develop their own class materials. That can be good -- or not so good. This class will provide you with not only the conceptual framework, but several practical approaches to developing your own in-person classes and workshops. We’ll identify methods of assessing training needs and creating objectives-based class content, explore different learning styles and presentation methods, and discuss how to evaluate the effectiveness of training.
Biography: Russell Palmer is the Supervisor of Professional Development at LYRASIS. He writes, teaches and speaks on a wide range of topics, including resource sharing, information services, collection development and information literacy. Russell previously worked as Instruction and Outreach Coordinator at Mercer University. He earned his MLIS at Florida State University, and his AB in English at the University of Georgia.
3:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Alison Clapp & Nathan Norris
Introduction to Mendeley: A Free Reference Manager and Academic Networking Tool
Description: Mendeley is free citation/pdf management software, with both a desktop and website module. The online component provides an option for networking with all Mendeley users or with a smaller, specific group the user identifies. Mendeley also automatically generates bibligraphies according to a given citation style, or the requirements of a specific journal. The class will cover all these components and how they work together.
Biography: Alison Clapp has been the manager of library services at Boston Children’s Hospital for over 20 years. Prior to that time she worked at the Suffolk Law School Library and before that at the WalthamWeston Hospital Library. She is the first hospital librarian at Boston Children’s Hospital and has overseen a dramatic growth in the services available to staff.
Nathan Norris has worked for more than 15 years in the information field, both as an information specialist and as a vendor for information products. His background as a vendor includes sales, support and management roles at HealthGate Data Corp. and Ingenta. Currently an information specialist at the Beth Isreal Deaconess in Boston, Nathan focuses on collection development and electronic resource management. He is a senior member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals. Nathan holds master’s degrees in library science and political science from Simmons College and Northeastern University, respectively.
Alison and Nathan together served as Education Co-Chairs first for MAHSLIN and then for NAHSL.