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NAHSL/NY-NJ MLA Conference 2011: Scholarship

Official Website of the NAHSL/NY-NJ MLA Conference held in Uncasville, Connecticut on October 30-November 1, 2011

What's On This Page

Call for Items

The 2011 meeting of NAHSL and the New York/New Jersey Chapters is looking for donations to be raffeled off by The Scholarship   The funds generated by this raffle make it possible for individuals to engage in educational experiences.
Not only is the raffle a fundraiser, but it is also a fun-raiser! 

Your state groups, individuals, or an informal consortium of librarians can put together a collective gift basket or donate an item (or two) that coincide with the conference theme - Taming Information Chaos (maybe a de-stressing basket?), represent your state, or is just something you think your colleagues can't live without!
If you are going to donate to the Raffle, please contact Shirley Gronholm (at ) by September 30th and indicate what you will be donating and whether you are donating as an individual, represent an "ad hoc" group, or are coordinating the donation from your state chapter.