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The Rhode Island Special Interest Group (SIG) of NAHSL: Interlibrary Loan Policy

Formerly known as the Association of Rhode Island Health Science Libraries (ARIHSL)

Participating Libraries

The following libraries have adopted the Interlibrary Loan Policy as stated on this page:

ILL Policy for certain member libraries

Interlibrary Loan Policy 


For Hospital Employees

Interlibrary loans are governed by the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States of the American Library Association and the policies of the lending institution. Libraries do not ordinarily loan the following types of materials:

Recently published books

Journals (PDFs of individual articles are available)

Rare materials, including manuscripts

Reference materials

Genealogical materials

Bulky or fragile materials

Doctoral dissertations, when readily available from ProQuest

Materials on Reserve (this could include select audio-visual materials)

The copyright law of the U.S. places limitations on what may be copied, as well as under what conditions and for what purposes copying may take place. The requesting library is responsible for complying with the provisions of Section 108(g)(2) Copyright Law and the Guidelines for the Proviso of Subsection 108(g)(2) prepared by the National Commission on New Technological Uses of Copyrighted Works (the CONTU Guidelines). 

Arrival of Loans

Sufficient time should be allowed for the arrival of print materials from other institutions. In many cases two to five weeks are necessary. Loaned materials may be picked up at the library. 

Most periodical articles requested will be delivered electronically. The borrower will receive an email with the requested material as an attachment in PDF format.

Duration of Loans

Materials checked out via Interlibrary Loan go out for the duration set by the loaning library. It is the responsibility of the borrower to return materials promptly. Loaned materials must be returned to requesting library during staffed hours.

Restrictions on Use

The requesting library is bound by any restrictions placed on loans by the lending library. These may include restricting use of the material to within the library building, obtaining the signature of the borrower, and/or prohibiting photocopying.

For Other Libraries and Outside Researchers

Library holdings can be viewed in the Hospital Libraries of Rhode Island catalog and OCLC. Materials in the catalog having a status of "LIB USE ONLY" or "Local Circulation Only" are not available for interlibrary loan. If you have identified an item that you would like to borrow, please contact the interlibrary loan department of your home institution or local public library. Your library may borrow our materials on your behalf by using the DOCLINE system, OCLC, or the Book, Article, and Other Physical Item Request Form through LORI. 

 Materials will be sent to the library selected for pickup using the LORI (Library of Rhode Island) delivery service. Only LORI Network libraries are eligible for free delivery services. Charges may apply to libraries not in the LORI network. 


Based in part on Interlibrary Loan Policy, University of Rhode Island,


NLM and ALA ILL Policies