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NAHSL CONFERENCE 2013, OCTOBER 27TH - OCTOBER 29TH, 2013: Continuing Education

Sea Crest Beach Hotel, Falmouth, Massachusetts


Sunday, October 27, 2013
9:00 am to noon

Spin in the Medical Literature
Instructor: Alan Ehrlich, MD

Spin in the medical literature comes in many forms. This workshop will introduce the concept of spin with respect to reporting of clinical studies. This will include an analysis of how trials are reported in the media and how those same trials are evaluated from an Evidence-Based Medicine point of view.  Covered concepts include selection of outcomes to report, framing of the magnitude of the results, generalizability of results, and issues related to adverse events. Participants will explore the concepts presented during small group work using examples from journal articles and the lay press. In addition, systematic reviews are becoming as important in the medical literature as randomized trials and the reporting of these studies is also susceptible to bias and spin. Medical librarians need to understand these potential biases as well. Through specific examples, biases and potential spin in systematic reviews will also be discussed.

3 CE Contact Hours Pending

Sunday, October 27, 2013
9:00 am to noon

Concepts in Immunology
Instructor: Richard Goldsby, Ph.D.

A few basic, but powerful principles that give insight into the workings of the immune system and provide a roadmap to understanding its connection with health and disease will be presented. Cells and tissues of the immune system and the network of their interactions will be presented and pursued to their consequences for vaccine technologies, autoimmunity, transplantation and the rapidly developing landscape of cancer immunotherapy.
3 CE Contact Hours Pending

About the Instructor:

Richard A. Goldsby, Ph.D is an award-winning immunologist and Professor of Biology emeritus at Amherst College. He currently teaches in the Veterinary and Animal Science and Molecular and Cellular Biology departments at UMass Amherst. Dr. Goldsby is the joint or senior author of three editions of Kuby’s Immunology. He has also written Cells and Energy, Race and Races, and with Mary Catherine Bateson, Thinking AIDS.

Sunday, October 27, 2011
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Bullet Point 1, Bullet Point 2, Bullet Point 3...The Audience Flees: Visual Communication Skills for Effective Teaching and Presentations
Instructor: Sally Gore 

Librarians are called upon to take a whole host of tasks for which library school left then woefully unprepared. Unless your other studies provided you with a background in education, public speaking and/or design, you've likely found yourself in the awkward situation f having to deliver a class or presentation knowing that you're not really confident in your abilities or wondering if you could do better. Effective communication involves blending words and visuals, stories and facts, in a way that creates a setting where your audience both gets and remembers the message you share. This workshop will provide an overview of some basics in design and presentation to help you become a better communicator, teacher and ultimately, LIBRARIAN! Come prepared to be active, to take part, to try new things, to be creative and to have fun. You'll leave with the energy and enthusiasm to speak to thousands (or at least 10).
CE Contact Hours: 4

Sunday, October 27, 2013
1:00 pm to 5:00pm

Business Communications: Library Style
Instructors: Marty Magee and Barb Jones

Communicate with impact! Advocating for our libraries is an increasing part of any library position. Doing so successfully should incorporate not only foucsed  business communication writing but also creativity and collaboration. How we express ourselves can be directly related to the funding we receive and how well our libraries are perceived as an integral part of the institution. Communication may be an overused word for an under-developed skill. Writing clear, concise communiques including white papers, business plans, grant proposals and budget justifications, targeted on what the reader needs to know to make a decision is essential in today's fast-changing, bottom-line driven environment. Attendees should expect to be better informed about what constitutes efficient, effective communication vehicles, and how to create them.
CE Contact Hours: 4